at least  15 people have tragically lost their lives following a crash between a bus carrying elderly passengers and a truck in Manitoba, C...

BREAKING NEWS! Horrific accident! BREAKING NEWS! Horrific accident!

 at least 15 people have tragically lost their lives following a crash between a bus carrying elderly passengers and a truck in Manitoba, Canada. The incident happened near Carberry, west of Winnipeg, on the Trans-Canada Highway. According to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 10 people, including both drivers, were transported to the hospital with significant injuries.

Eyewitness John Proven described the scene as a “huge accident” with a vehicle in flames and a semi-truck nearby, its front end severely damaged. The bus was carrying seniors from Dauphin to the Sand Hills Casino in Carberry when the tragic accident took place. Emergency services, including an air ambulance and 12 other ambulances, were quickly dispatched.

Authorities are still determining why the bus entered the truck’s lane, though footage showed the truck had the right of way. RCMP Superintendent Rob Lasson emphasized that no blame has been assigned at this time, as the investigation is still ongoing.

This accident has drawn comparisons to the 2018 Humboldt Broncos bus tragedy in Saskatchewan, in which 16 people died. Manitoba officials have sought assistance from those involved in the Humboldt investigation, given the similarities in both incidents.

William Doherty, CEO of the trucking company involved, expressed deep sorrow and offered full cooperation with the investigation. He told CTV News that “the thoughts of the entire Day & Ross team are with those who have lost loved ones in this terrible incident”.
“We are holding out hope that those injured will recover.” Mr Doherty added, “We will fully cooperate with the investigation and offer any assistance and support that we can.”

Prime Minister Trudeau was among those who offered their condolences. “The news from Carberry, Manitoba is incredibly tragic. I’m sending my deepest condolences to those who lost loved ones today, and I’m keeping the injured in my thoughts. I cannot imagine the pain those affected are feeling – but Canadians are here for you.”

The accident has devastated the close-knit community of Dauphin, where many of the victims lived. Mayor David Bosiak said, “Literally everyone in town knew someone that was on that bus.”

“There’s a collective feeling of shock … it’s just a tremendous tragedy for our little community.

“It’s a kick in the teeth, a punch in the gut.”

We are so very sorry for this tragic incident and the lives lost.

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Bored Daddy

  Comedian Heather McDonald cracked an inappropriate joke about Jesus, which led to an unexpected turn of events. Ray Comfort seized upon th...

She Attempted to Ridicule Jesus, but What Happened Next Will Surprise You She Attempted to Ridicule Jesus, but What Happened Next Will Surprise You

 Comedian Heather McDonald cracked an inappropriate joke about Jesus, which led to an unexpected turn of events. Ray Comfort seized upon this incident to delve into the genuine essence of Jesus’s love. He proceeded to illustrate the profound depth of Jesus’s love to two individuals during his evangelistic efforts, emphasizing its remarkable nature.

  I was all set to tie the knot with my fiancé in a fairytale wedding. But my world came to a colossal standstill when my mom barged into th...

My Mother Interrupted My Wedding to Tell Me the Truth My Mother Interrupted My Wedding to Tell Me the Truth

 I was all set to tie the knot with my fiancé in a fairytale wedding. But my world came to a colossal standstill when my mom barged into the ceremony and screamed: “STOP THE WEDDING… HE’S YOUR BIOLOGICAL FATHER!” Her revelation ripped me apart and had me gasping for breath.

On my sunny New York wedding day, I was a bundle of nerves and excitement. My mom, coming all the way from Paris, was running late, and it was almost time to start. Zack, my soon-to-be husband, was waiting at the altar. I tried to stay hopeful, but not having Mom there was eating away at my happiness.

Then, out of nowhere, a loud scream cut through the ceremony.

“April, honey, STOP THE WEDDING!”

It was my mom, Heidi, looking all worn out and frantic. She barged in, staring daggers at Zack.

“CHRISTIAN?” she shouted, throwing everyone into confusion.

“Christian? Who’s that, Mom? This is Zack,” I said, totally confused.

Mom was fuming. “Don’t play dumb with me, Christian. You shouldn’t be here, especially not with a fake name.”

I was getting scared. “Mom, what’s going on? You know Zack?”

Her next words hit me like a ton of bricks. “I barely made my flight, but I got here just in time. April, he’s not Zack. He’s Christian, YOUR REAL DAD,” she said, her voice trembling.

I felt like the ground swallowed me up. Everything went black. When I opened my eyes, surrounded by worried faces, I was in shock. “He’s… my dad?” I sobbed, unable to grasp the reality.

Mom nodded, her eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry, honey. The man you were about to marry, he’s your father. We thought he was gone, but he’s been here all along.”

Mom let out a deep breath and started to tell me about her past: It all began…

Back in Chicago, twenty years ago, I met Christian at the art gallery where I worked. He was charming, and we both loved art. We soon started dating, and everything felt perfect, like a fairytale. But then he just disappeared, taking my savings and a valuable Renaissance painting with him.

When I got home that day, the whole place was in disarray. The painting was gone, and so was he. But he didn’t know the painting he took was a fake; the real one was safe.

At the police station, I tried to explain my situation, but without Christian’s photo, they said it would be hard to catch him.

I never had a photo. He wanted our relationship to stay private, and I trusted him too much. I felt so trapped, like the walls were closing in. I begged the police to do more, but it felt like there wasn’t much they could do.

A sketch artist was called. I described Christian, and soon, sketches of him were circulated in and around town. It was a small step in the right direction.

I visited the station several times. But with each visit came defeat.

As days turned into weeks with no word from Christian, my determination grew. I kept telling myself I’d find him, using whatever it took.

I even went to his favorite pub and sat for hours, thinking he might visit. But then I realized his love for art could be his downfall — the best way to catch him.

So I decided to set a trap with the real masterpiece, hoping it would draw him out. Despite my doubts, I was ready to try anything.

At the auction, my heart was racing. I blended in with the fancy crowd, waiting for Christian. He was there, pretending to be just another rich bidder. When he raised his paddle for the painting, I knew my trap was set.

He won the auction, and right on cue, an undercover cop spilled water on him. That’s when I saw it — the scar on his neck. That was the sign I needed to confirm it was him. As Christian headed to pay, the cops surrounded him. “Christian, you’re under arrest!” they announced.

I felt a wave of relief. My plan had worked; we were finally going to get him.

But then, Christian dropped his suitcase, and it popped open — empty. The cops yelled, “Don’t move!” But Christian just smirked, pulling something from his pocket. Suddenly, the room was full of tear gas, and in the chaos, Christian slipped away with the painting.

He escaped AGAIN. I couldn’t believe it.

His face was all over the wanted posters, but he was never found.

Then, the backlash hit me. People thought I was in on it with Christian. My job was on the line. “I was trying to catch him, not help him!” I tried to explain, but it was like talking to a wall. And on top of everything, I found out I was pregnant.

I decided to start over in Paris, away from the mess. It was just me and the new life growing inside me, trying to find some peace.

I held Mom’s hand tight, my eyes all teary. “It’s so unfair, what happened to you, Mom.”

She sounded sad but hopeful. “Even after everything with Christian, my love for you, April, keeps me going.”

A pang of guilt stabbed at me. How could I have been so oblivious? The age difference I’d brushed aside, Zack’s insistence on keeping our relationship private, the subtle unease I’d sometimes felt — it all came flooding back. My happy wedding day fell apart right before me.

I looked at Mom through my tears.

“I had no idea he was your… he was Christian. I had to stop the wedding, sweetheart,” she said.

Everyone at the wedding couldn’t believe it. The whole thing stopped because of this huge secret.

Then, Christian tried to run away. But he couldn’t get far before everyone started chasing him.

Mom looked really scared and dialed 911. “There’s been a crime,” she said, her voice all shaky.

I felt so drained by everything that happened.

I just hugged Mom, trying to feel a bit better. Watching the police take Christian away, I was relieved.

Later that day, we were at the police station. But Mom was calm, and her voice didn’t even shake as she told the detectives about all the tricks Christian had pulled. “He had it all figured out from the start. The art cons, stealing that old painting—he did it all.”

The detective nodded, his pen pausing over the notes he was taking. “And you’re saying he kept the original Renaissance painting all this time?”

“Yes,” an officer from the interrogation room chimed in. “He’s confessed. The crook intended to sell the painting through a black market auction. He’d been holding onto it for years, waiting for the right moment.”

When they searched Christian’s place, they found it packed with all sorts of stolen art. It turns out Mom and I weren’t his only victims. Getting back that painting felt like a small victory in all this mess.

Before we left, Mom looked straight at Christian, her eyes sharp. “You’ve done a lot of damage, Christian,” she said. “But in the end, justice wins.”

Walking out of there, painting in hand, it was like a weight lifted. This chapter of hurt was finally over, and now we could start fixing things, bit by bit.

  American actor Kurt Vogel Russell is from. At the age of 12, he made his television acting debut in the western series. Russell received a...

Prayers are needed for Kurt Russell Prayers are needed for Kurt Russell

 American actor Kurt Vogel Russell is from. At the age of 12, he made his television acting debut in the western series. Russell received a Golden Globe nomination in 1983 for Best Supporting Actor – Motion Picture for his performance in Mike Nichols’ Silkwood.

Russell was born in Springfield, Massachusetts. His father, Bing, also worked as a performer. Louise Julia Russell, a ballerina, is his mother.

The Globe claims that Kurt Russell suffers from a malignant flesh-eating disease.

The 65-year-old Hateful 8 actor has reportedly been spotted with unattractive sores beneath his lower lip that are thought to be caused by Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS), which has been related to intestinal cancer.

Cancer.Net reports that “the lifetime risk of cancer in those with PJS may be as high as 93 percent.”

The sores are “precancerous lesions that can become aggressive and dangerous if not treated immediately and properly,” said Dr. Stuart Fischer, who does not treat Kurt.

Kurt “needs immediate tests,” agrees immunologist and Maryland resident Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who also believes that PJS may be to fault for the sores. He requires therapy as soon as possible.

The Globe also reports that Kurt and his 71-year-old longtime partner Goldie Hawn have lately fought.

Kurt was slated to be honored into the Hall of Great Western Performers in Oklahoma City in October. His name is already on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Nevertheless, Kurt is unable to go owing to a “unexpected medical situation.”

In a statement, the actor insisted that he required surgery, a procedure that, according to his doctor, obviously could not be postponed. According to The Oklahoman, he will have hip surgery.

“I had assumed it could wait, but my doctors say it needs to happen in September. Russell said in the statement, “As much as I would have liked to be there this year, I’m grateful that the museum decided to delay our honor until 2022 so I could personally accept this magnificent prize.

Kurt Russell should be commended for being inducted into the Hall of Great Western Performers! We wish him a speedy recovery from his procedure later this month.

Kurt was supposed to be inducted into Oklahoma City’s Hall of Great Western Performers even though his name is already on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Nevertheless, Kurt is unable to go owing to a “unexpected medical situation.” The 64-year-old actor was spotted in New Orleans with bruises and scrapes all over his arms and face. According to The Globe, Kurt Russell has a deadly flesh-eating sickness.

  Returning from a two-week trip, Victoria was horrified to find her vibrant yellow house, painted lovingly by her late husband, had been re...

Neighbors Hated My House Color and Repainted It While I Was Away — I Was Enraged & Took My Revenge Neighbors Hated My House Color and Repainted It While I Was Away — I Was Enraged & Took My Revenge


Returning from a two-week trip, Victoria was horrified to find her vibrant yellow house, painted lovingly by her late husband, had been repainted gray by her neighbors, the Davises. Known for their disdain for her home’s bright color, they had taken matters into their own hands while she was away.

Victoria confronted the Davises, but they denied everything. Her neighbor, Mr. Thompson, confirmed the repainting had been done under a forged work order, in the Davises’ name. Victoria was furious, feeling her neighbors had erased her husband’s memory with a “bucket of paint.”

She stormed to the painting company’s office, demanding answers. The manager, Gary, was apologetic and explained, “We thought it was their house.” Victoria insisted on suing, and the painting company agreed to cooperate.

In court, the painting company’s workers testified against the Davises. The judge found the Davises guilty of fraud and vandalism, ordering them to repaint the house back to yellow and cover all costs, including court fees. Outside the courthouse, Mrs. Davis hissed, “I hope you’re happy.” Victoria smiled sweetly, replying, “I will be when my house is YELLOW again!”

Victoria’s determination to stand her ground paid off, restoring both her home’s color and her peace of mind.

  The country music community is in mourning following the loss of a cherished figure who passed away at his Texas home in late June at the ...

Celebrated country music singer, d ies at 79 after Parkinson’s battle Celebrated country music singer, d ies at 79 after Parkinson’s battle


The country music community is in mourning following the loss of a cherished figure who passed away at his Texas home in late June at the age of 79. The news, shared in a heartfelt social media post on June 27, revealed that he spent his final moments at Echo Hill Ranch in Medina, surrounded by family and close friends.

In 2006, he ran for governor against Ricky Perry, drawing significant media attention, though ultimately finishing fourth. He also pursued the Democratic nomination for agriculture commissioner in 2010 and 2014, albeit unsuccessfully.A longtime friend, Clive Hattersley, fondly recalled him as an extraordinary communicator who could evoke deep emotions, whether through tears or laughter. Hattersley also mentioned that he had been battling Parkinson’s disease. He first gained recognition in the early 1970s by forming the satirical country band Kinky Friedman and The Texas Jewboys, known for songs like “They Ain’t Makin’ Jews Like Jesus Anymore” and “Get Your Biscuits in the Oven and Your Buns in the Bed.” Although the band’s run was brief, he continued his musical journey,

releasing a self-titled solo album in 1974 and embarking on a two-year tour with Bob Dylan. Throughout his career, he released 18 albums, with his final work, “Circus of Life,” appearing in 2018. The country music scene last month mourned the tragic loss of beloved singer Richard “Kinky” Friedman, who passed away at his home in Texas in late June, aged 79. Rest in peace.

      A widowed father buys his newborn baby girl a second-hand stroller at the flea market and hears a strange crackling sound when he puts...

Poor Widowed Dad Buys Old Stroller at Flea Market, Hears Crackling Sound as He Puts Baby in It — Story of the Day Poor Widowed Dad Buys Old Stroller at Flea Market, Hears Crackling Sound as He Puts Baby in It — Story of the Day


 A widowed father buys his newborn baby girl a second-hand stroller at the flea market and hears a strange crackling sound when he puts the baby in it. He inspects it and makes a heartbreaking discovery that changes their lives.”This was our favorite spot by the window…All those sunsets when we kissed here! The way you used to blush when I whispered things, tucking your hair strands behind your ears,” Tyler, 30, cried near his bedroom window. Warm tears dropped on his late wife Kylie’s framed photo, haunting him with memories as he stared at the evening sky. Tyler and Kylie led a happy marriage, and the next big thing happened in their lives when she fell pregnant. Tyler,

a cashier in a grocery store, started dreaming of raising a beautiful family. Everything seemed like a beautiful portrait until a storm arrived and dropped a bomb in their nest the day Kylie went into labor…Tyler could not hold back his tears as he recalled hearing their newborn baby girl Tiara’s loud cries from the maternity ward.”And then, they gave me my newborn baby to hold… How warm and soft her skin felt… When I asked about you, they showed you cloaked up to your forehead. Patting my shoulders, they said, ‘We’re sorry. We couldn’t save her.’ Why did you leave us, Kylie??” Kylie had developed last-minute complications during labor and had died during childbirth, leaving Tyler with a mountainous responsibility on his shoulder. Do not stop when a dark, difficult path arrives. Take one step at a time and keep going. The sun disappeared behind the trees as an eerie darkness filled Tyler’s heart. He was lost in deep thought when suddenly, his six-month-old baby girl started crying.”I’m coming… I’m coming, honey!” Tyler ran to fetch some warm milk. He had nobody to babysit Tiara, so he quit his job to tend to her day and night. “Awwww…lo-lo-lo…” he fed his baby. Tiara wouldn’t sleep without Tyler cradling her in his arms. Sometimes, she would take over an hour to fall asleep, and Tyler had sore arms carrying her around for a long time. “Where did I keep it?” Tyler began searching for a metal box where he saved money for petty expenses. Baby Tiara was asleep, so he was cautious not to wake her because once she was up, it would only mean Tyler would have another sleepless night. “Ah, here it is!!” he exclaimed and opened the box, quickly counting the money. Tyler wanted to buy a stroller. “My arms will ache less and baby Tiara will be happy too!!” The next day, Tyler went to the flea market in town to buy the baby buggy. Tiara was asleep in his arms, as Tyler walked up and down, cradling her to sleep. He marched toward the store selling baby essentials and saw a woman with a stroller.”Hey, miss…hey…hey…I love this stroller. I need one like this for my baby.” Tyler saw a strange glow light up the woman’s eyes which appeared red, painful, and swollen. It looked as though she had spent several sleepless nights crying. Amanda looked at Tyler’s baby as tears rose in her eyes. She sighed heavily and said, “You can take this. I’ll give it to you for $10!!” “Only for $10??!” Tyler exclaimed. “Yes, I changed my mind after seeing your baby. You need this stroller more than I do now. You can take it!” Tyler was surprised by the generous offer and quickly paid for the stroller. The woman took the money and immediately left, vanishing into the crowd and leaving Tyler puzzled but happy with the bargain. “Ah, finally, sweetie, dad got you a new buggy. We will go home, clean it, and then you can rest in it, alright?!” Tyler took the stroller home, unprepared for the discovery he was about to make.He slightly dusted the stroller that looked too decent for its price. It was used but not worn out. He decided to take Tiara for a walk in her stroller and gently put her in, only to hear a strange crackling noise from under the padded seat. It sounded like a packet of chips getting crushed.”What is that noise??” Tyler immediately withdrew his baby from the buggy and put her on the couch. He slightly lifted the padding and found a piece of folded paper.”What is this?” he wondered as he unfolded it and saw a handwritten note addressed to a certain ‘Gigi.’ “To my beloved baby girl, Gigi. Darling, I miss you each minute, each second. Without you, my world has turned into a dark

grave…” began the first line. Tyler was stunned as he sat back near a fast-asleep Tiara and continued reading… “Sweetie, please forgive mama. I know you’re with your daddy in heaven now. Please know that I will always love you. Please forgive me. I am forced to sell your stroller. Mama has nowhere to go, sweetheart. I love you and miss you, my baby. Love, Mama.”Tyler’s heart almost skipped a beat when he realized this was a mother’s heartfelt confession to her dead child. “What happened to her daughter? Who is this woman? Where is she now?” he wondered and set on a mission to find the bereaved mother, unaware of how fate would tie her to his life.Tyler revisited the flea market the next day and returned to the store where he bought the stroller and inquired about the woman. Luckily, the CCTV footage in the store helped him track her down. “Yeah, that’s her!” Tyler pointed to the screen. “She came here to sell an old vintage clock. She told me it belonged to her late mother.””Do you know her house??” “She told me her house is the last across the street.” “Thanks, pal!!” Tyler said, hurrying to the woman’s house. There he saw the woman packing her things in a cloth bundle and an old suitcase. “If you can’t pay your rent, you can’t stay here for free!” an older man yelled at her. Hey, miss, hey…you remember me? I bought a stroller from you yesterday, remember??” Tyler chimed in. “May I know your name?” Moments of silence prevailed, and then she said, “My name is Amanda.” “Amanda, hey, nice to meet you. I found your letter in the stroller,” Tyler added, and Amanda started to cry. As it turned out, the baby buggy Amanda sold to Tyler was her only reminder of her dead child, who had lost her battle with cancer. Amanda was forced to sell it with the other old items in order to pay for her overdue rent.”My daughter Gigi was five years old… She was too young and innocent… She didn’t know what cancer was. She was my only hope to live after I lost my husband,” Amanda cried. The landlord kicked Amanda out because he wanted to lease the house for a higher price. Though Amanda got social security benefits, the money was drained, settling her late husband’s debts. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Amanda. Listen, I have an idea. Why don’t you come and stay at my house until you find a better place to stay?” Tyler sympathized with Amanda and invited her to live in his house if she wanted. Though hesitant at first, Amanda could not resist the pleasure of spending time with Tyler’s baby girl. Amanda moved into Tyler’s house and tended to his baby while he returned to work. She cared for little Tiara like a mother, and even the baby loved being around her. As time flew by, Tyler moved on from his sorrow. He realized that his daughter needed the love and care of both parents and popped the question to Amanda one day. They had fallen in love by then. Tyler and Amanda married shortly after. They understood that besides needing each other’s support, they could heal each other’s wounds this way.

  Yesterday was my fifty-seventh birthday, and I was excited to celebrate, but my husband, Mike, had other plans. Recently, he’s been mockin...

My Husband Yelled at My Birthday Party That I Was Too Old to Want — My Friend Took Revenge on My Behalf My Husband Yelled at My Birthday Party That I Was Too Old to Want — My Friend Took Revenge on My Behalf


Yesterday was my fifty-seventh birthday, and I was excited to celebrate, but my husband, Mike, had other plans. Recently, he’s been mocking my age every chance he gets. During the party, he humiliated me in front of our friends, saying, “You’re too old to dance, Emma. You might break a hip.”
My best friend, Karen, couldn’t take it anymore and revealed a shocking secret: “Mike here can’t perform without popping a little blue pill. And you know how I found out? Because he cheated on Emma with my friend, Linda.”The room fell silent, and I confronted Mike. “I’m done with your cruelty and your lies. You want to make me feel old and undesirable? Well, here’s a newsflash: I feel more vibrant and alive without you dragging me down.”I left the party with Karen, feeling liberated and strong. We went to my favorite restaurant, where Karen toasted, “To new beginnings and to never letting anyone dull our sparkle!”As we celebrated, I noticed a charming man, Alex. Maybe this was the start of something new. From that day forward, I embraced my life and age with renewed vigor, ready to face whatever came next with resilience and strength.